
Showing posts from February, 2018


I was recently asked two questions by Malaysian Insight on the publicity for GE14 and specific targeting of Indian voters. These are my reflections:- 1) Do you think that it will increase the Indian community's support towards BN in the coming GE14? The calendar is a political tool to remind the Indian community of the services provided through the current Prime Minister and the special units he has established. These pictures reflects the services that has been provided.  It is not a lie or made up images. It has really take place. Yes I think it would make an impact on a section of the Malaysian Indian community which is at the bottom 40% and who have benefited for these services. However it will have little effect on the middle and upper sections who since 2008 have sought for political rights and development based on a right to services and not based on charity. The call is for equal rights, opportunities and outcomes. They see political leaders from the In...


Together with UN Habitat ED Dato Maimunah By Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria* The 9 th World Urban Forum (WUF9) which was held from Feb 7 to 13, 2018 in Kuala Lumpur (KL) in Malaysia drew 22,778 participants from 165 countries with 122 high government officials. It was also noted that 49% of the participants were women and about 41% below the age of 32. This was truly ‘a work in solidarity’ as indicated by Dato '  Maimunah  Mohd Sharif, the UN Habitat, Executive director at the closing ceremony. There were over 560 official events at WUF9. One could say that so much was taking place at the same time and throughout the day, one could see people in discussions and dialogue in meeting rooms big and small as well as by the coffee tables in networking sessions. From talks, to exhibitions to visits in the city of KL, there was so much of activity and human interaction in terms of knowledge exchange and learning. Ten key observations from my participation:- Fir...


Five key aspects of our action research project for policy advocacy and delivery of services at the neighborhood  levels. First, we note that the in the SDGs, the B40 in cities are a key target group as there is a focus on addressing inequality. Therefore SDG 10, 11 and 16 are key pointers. Likewise the NUA lays emphasis on working in partnership with all stakeholders. B40 local communities are key partners in development in the urban space. Second, Malaysia has experienced rapid urbanisation. There is much prosperity in the cities and urban centres in Malaysia but there is another side of the city where the urban poor & B40 lives which needs urgent intervention. Third, the local university became a partner in this process and began documenting the issues and concerns. The University partner the Institute of Ethnic Studies, National University of Malaysia (KITA-UKM) provided research, training and consultancy work in developing intervention programs. Methodolog...

KITA-UKM at the WUF9 – Side event on Social Inclusion & B40 communities

KITA-UKM’s research was featured at the World Urban Forum yesterday on Feb 10, 2018 from 2pm to 3pm in a Side event which was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Room 409.  Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria, the lead researcher on Bottom 40 Flat dwellers moderated the side event with five Malaysians and three foreigners making brief interventions. About fifty people participated from different countries. Datuk Denison highlighted that all the WUF9 participants have only witnessed the beautiful parts of the city of KL especially the twin towers and the surrounding prosperous parts of the city. He noted that there was another side of the city namely the urban poor and bottom 40 communities and the neighbourhoods they live in. He said that both the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG10, 11 and 16 have direct relevance to this theme including the New Urban Agenda’s thrust on local participation and multi stakeholder engagement. Among the Malaysian speakers were Mr Ja...


By Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria, Principal Research Fellow, Institute of ethnic studies UKM BN government agenda for Indian community I have been involved in policy advocacy since 1997 when I joined the MIC Social Strategic Foundation. While many recommendations and proposals were submitted through the 1 st national economic consultative council and the 2 nd , very little strategic and focus intervention was undertaken. Poverty was measured and priorities set which did not directly benefit plantation workers or the displaced plantation workers who migrated from estates to urban squatters and now reside in high rise low cost flats in urban centres in 38 districts in Malaysia. During my time at YSS (1997 to 2008) there was however the start of many new initiatives by providing access to minority Indian community directly into government programs which was originally targeting Bumiputras such as Giat Mara and opportunities for skills training, MRSM and also at Tekun ...