I was recently asked two questions by Malaysian Insight on the publicity for GE14 and specific targeting of Indian voters. These are my reflections:- 1) Do you think that it will increase the Indian community's support towards BN in the coming GE14? The calendar is a political tool to remind the Indian community of the services provided through the current Prime Minister and the special units he has established. These pictures reflects the services that has been provided. It is not a lie or made up images. It has really take place. Yes I think it would make an impact on a section of the Malaysian Indian community which is at the bottom 40% and who have benefited for these services. However it will have little effect on the middle and upper sections who since 2008 have sought for political rights and development based on a right to services and not based on charity. The call is for equal rights, opportunities and outcomes. They see political leaders from the In...